Activities of our counterpart Kinga International
in Democratic Republic of Congo

Kinga International is located in the city of Goma,
located on the northern shore of Lake Kivu in the West African Rift Valley.

Improving the living environment in Uvira on the northern shore of Lake Tanganyika

In the North-Kivu Peace-building Conference

Greening actions in Bukavu, South-Kivu Province

Actions for the promotion of Vegetable farming in South-Kivu Province

Promotion of home vegetable gardening in Kavumu, South Kivu

Planting myceliums of Shiitake and slimy Nameko Japanese mushrooms on 13/04/2024. An activity of the local Umenai Shuraku Project

Shiitake mushroom is planted in ork logs and Nameko mushroom in wild cherry logs.
Planted logs are kept in cedar forest.